We haven’t had a true global world war for almost 75 years. With the NZ attack, global terrorism has well and truly arrived. Are we seeing the the early stages of WW3?
I suppose I would now identify as neither left-wing nor right wing, but neutral/centrist. I was a staunch leftie until only a few weeks ago. And then something changed me. It was like an epiphany moment. Maybe I’ll write about that in separate article.
The only reason I mention it is because it gives more a more unbiased, neutral view of what is actually going on in the world today. It’s a bit of a worry, because I, like many other middle-aged and older people can see civil unrest arising in the UK and elsewhere in Europe within a very short time period. Have a look for yourselves; you are at each others’ throats!
Can you imagine if there were more people present? Am I mistaken, or has there been 1 million people on opposite sides protesting/demonstrating In London within the last week? You cannot afford to have the possibility of ~2 million people who essentially hate (or don’t understand) each other, coming together on the same day. It won’t end well. I’ve never seen anything like this before in my entire life! I am 42.
Maybe I don’t know what I’m talking about, but you’re already passed the civil resistance stage, technically already in the civil disobedience stage. Behaviour like this is not even remotely ‘normal’. Many lefties have forgotten about the reality of war. They (you) are a much younger demographic. They may not even have grandparents who have lived through a real global war. They’re probably all dead. It seems the horrors of a true global war have now been forgotten.
The next stage is civil disorder. Then the government could put a curfew in place (for your own safety), which people may or may not choose to ignore. By that stage I suppose you’d reach once-in-a lifetime events like martial law. That’s about as fun as it sounds. And finally –the even uglier– civil war.
I think one side sees environmental destruction as the biggest long-term threat (and so they should and essentially my whole blog is about that which you can clearly see) and the other side is more worried about immigration leading to increasing levels of violence in the short-term future possibly leading to a global cultural war between devout (sharia) Islam and the West. And rightly so!
Except they are not even allowed to talk about it with lefties because they have their fingers stuck firmly in their ears while singing “LA-LA-LA” like an annoying little 5 year old. And even if the left did’t have human cheese fingers stuck in their ears, both sides could easily lose their job for merely “having an opinion”. For speaking (which is shit).
How did we get to this point? It’s not political correctness, it’s political corrrection. It’s telling other people what they can and can’t say. Which sounds to me more like Stalinism. Free speech rights are quickly eroding, and the right are acutely aware of it. It’s blatant censorship.
Smart political parties will tackle both issues simultaneouly. I think if UKIP got off their arse and did some proper branding work then (and only then) they could, just possibly, even win a general election. I think. People want change, and neither side is getting it.
The right are rightly concerned about immigration. Specifically, muslim immigration. The left think that the right are “racist” and “islamophobic”. From everything I’ve researched in the last two weeks, hundreds of hours of research (I used to be a scientist so I like to reseach things in depth), I think they have every reason to be!
I’m a bit different to them. I am generation X, but my father was born in in 1926. If he was alive today, he would be 93 years old. With age comes wisdom. Right? He grew up in the East end of London. He lived through WW2. According to him, it wasn’t nice.
My father was training to be a tank driver in one of those really nasty flamethrower tanks (a ‘crocodile’ I think it was called). They carried pressurised napalm in an armoured trailer behind the main tank. He told us he was always worried about it blowing up right behind them. I guess that explains why I now think he might have suffered from an anxiety condition. Anyway, he used to tell us loads of old war stories like that when we were growing up. When there was no internet. We’d get sick of hearing them.
Brexiters on the other hand instinctively know more about this. They see a gradually rising Islamic threat brought about by globalisation. All the policial correctness in the world isn’t going to ever make them submit to sharia law. It’s a fact that many muslims out there want to enact sharia law. In the Est, I can tell you that there will be a bloody civil war before that ever happens.
Do devout muslims even realise this, how much we a prepared to defend free speech and equal human rights for all of our citizens (including mobs of angry women and LGBTQIAXYZ people)? Probably not. No one’s ever told them, because they know it could provoke an angry response.
More hate speech is coming from some islamist preachers. They need to be arrested but the British government would rather prosecute and persecute their own citizens who call out this two-tiered policing system (which itself arises from too much “political correctness”, in order to appease muslims and improve community rlations).
And before you start, let’s face it, the word “islamophobia” has been thoroughly exploited by muslims to get whatever they want. Let’s be honest, it’s been milked to death (“no offence”). It has. I don’t have islamophobia, I have “daeshophobia”, okay? And so should everyone.
Radicalised muslims are spoiling for a fight, brazenly holding up placards that “islam will dominate the world” (that’s true “hate speech”, prosecute them!!). The BBC news are purposely trying to frame Tommy Robinson in a bad light. News media now clearly very biased on that issue. Brexit is not happening. People are beyond frustrated, but they can’t even voice their opinions in public anymore. People are angry. And no wonder.
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