Dear Keir Starmer, the problem with you is that you are forcing us to like something that is fundamentally very unlikeable: islam.
We as people generally don’t like being stabbed. We as people generally don’t like the thought of being beheaded. We as people generally don’t like being smited at the neck either. I know I don’t like that particular one, because I’ve had the pleasure of experiencing it first hand, and it’s a fundamentally very unlikeable experience.
We as people generally don’t like having our kids groomed and raped. We as people generally don’t like halal slaughter. We as people generally don’t like being forced to eat halal-slaughtered meat. We as people generally don’t like seeing muslims praying in the street, grovelling on the floor with their arses in the air, marking territory like a dog pissing in a park. We don’t like it. Why should we like it? It’s not British. It’s not part of our original culture. That’s our culture you’re meddling with now, and we’re not happy about that either.
Why should we place the needs of muslims ABOVE our own needs? Why are we always prioritising and appeasing them and their wants, needs and desires all the time? Whatever happened to our own? WHAT ABOUT US FOR A CHANGE?!
They are meant to be the guests in our Western civilisation, and if anything it’s them that has to adapt to us, it’s not us that has to adapt to them. Just as we would have to adapt to Saudi Arabian culture if we decided to move there. And rightly so. Fair is fair.
But it always seems like a one way zener diode of cultural transference. Islamic civilisation is modernising, but it isn’t necessarily Westernising. I feel like they’re using us and our technoloogy. If we accept any sort of blasphemy laws in the West, we’ve already been islamified. They will evntually “win”. How much non-muslim colonisation of SAudia Arabia is happening? How many churches does Saaudi Arabia have? None. Where else are Westerners to go? Mars?!
What is happening now though is that the invited guest has now started to take over and demand that our house submit to their way. There’s usually only so much that any host will put up with this kind of situation. In my case, when my cousin moved in and started belligerently wanting things done his way, well, our family had to politely tell him to leave. He even had his own space, but he kept on encroaching on ours.
We have already been adapting to them, but I think we’ve reached out utmost limit, and it’s time to start clawing back some much needed concessions and fast (just like France has already been doing). Starting first and foremost with #TwoTierPolicing. That is something we are not willing to accept because we are supposed to believe in “equality”. And especially equality of the law, and how it is upheld
Most of the time, Westerners like to obey the law, so long as it’s fair. Right? But when it’s not fair, why should we obey it? If there’s one rule for one type of person, and another type of rule for another person, well that’s just not fair on us is it? Especially as we are the indigienoius natives here, not them. You don’t give the invaders more leniency. Who does that?
If anything it should be the other way around. The minority should not have more rights than the majority, not less. In a democracy, the minority should never be dictating to or oppressing the majority.
Islam is the minority here, and it should be treated as such, with lesser, not greater importance. What about good hard working English people for once? 🙂
Now it wouldn’t be quite so bad if the UK enacted harsher policing, across the board, but it isn’t. And is not. It is already moving in the complete opposite direction to where it needs to go, where mobs of muslims can get away virtually anything, because they know they are immune to being arrested in a group. It’s not possible to call out the riot squad on them every time And you can’t even complain about it or you’ll have a knock at the door. Well almost.
We as people generally don’t like a lot of things. We don’t have to like it. We dislike it, because it hates us. And that really is they key isn’t it? It can hate us, be we can’t dislike it. And that right there is the fundamental problem with islam. It’s a very divisive religion, because right at the very onset of the quran, it talks about “us”, the muslim and “them”, the unbeliever. They even insult us by calling us the kuffar. That is a dergatory term and we generally don’t like that either.
Basically, we don’t care about islam any longer. We used to tolerate it, right up until we learned more about it, and the behaviour of its adherents.
And you are trying to make us like it, like the story of “Green Eggs and Ham”. Now you are trying to bring in some kind of defacto blasphemy law, that we all must love islam, and that we’ll just have to suck it up. That we cannot ‘insult’ Allah. But those silly blasphemy laws will never apply to us, BECAUSE WE’RE NOT MUSLIMS. It’s not our problem if both Allah and muslims are so thin skinned. That’s their god, and if muslims want to respect their own blasphemy laws, fine, that’s their choice, but they don’t have ANY right to enforce or impose those rules on us, a Christian people, especially in our very own land.
Well no. No matter what you do, I for one won’t like it, because I’ve seen too much. Even if you threw me in prison, all it would mean is that I would be in prison and still not like islam. You cannot ever make people like things that they don’t want to like. I for one don’t like youghurt for example.
But now you’re going one further, you’re making English people like #TwoTierPolicing. So as someone who does not identify as a thug, I ask you, Keir Starmer, would YOU like it if a mob of muslims could attack you with impunity, if they weren’t arrested on the spot, or even at a later date (let alone prosecuted) and then YOU were arrested for complaining on social media about the unfairness of it?🤡
Or what if you then made a video about these injustices, say, and a judge put an injunction on that video and you went to prison for sharing it. Something tells me that, no, you would not like that very much either.
So I suggest you, the “elite”, take a long very hard look at yourselves. It was you the elite that didn’t want Turkey to join the EU because it was a muslim country. How come you can not like islam, but the rest of us have to suck it up and not complain? I suggest that you and your crony taxpayer-funded biased propaganda legacy media all get together, and start backpedalling. And fast.
You haven’t even admitted or acknowledged the important and often dangerous work that #TommyRobinson has done on exposing and raising awareness on grooming gangs and now #TwoTierPolicing. Instead, you’re still in full “punish the dissident that reveals uncomfortable truths” mode, blaming the messenger instead of the actual root of problem. Now you’re shifting into “Don’t mention Tommy’s name” high gear, much as Putin never mentioned Navalny by name, right until after he was dead that is.
We are *NEVER* going to back down on free speech, fairness and democracy, the right to a fair trial, equality before the law, because those are some of OUR core values as a Western civilisation. To those you can also add the right to dislike something and the right to criticise it. Put simply, that is how WE “identify”. Why are you so quick to abandon OUR culture and OUR identity? OUR values. We aren’t going to throw everything we’ve worked so hard for over the millenia, throw it all away into the wind. You can forget it.
These days I think leftists themselves are islamophobic. Have you ever seen a leftist set any kind of boundary or limit with a muslim, ever? Anything at all. They don’t do they? It’s the same us the whole gender nonsense. It is not us that who are “misgendering” trans people. It’s them that are misgendering themselves.
And the UK government. Yes that’s right I think you the United Kingdom government is islamophobic. Youdon’t seem to set boundaries with muslims at all, probably because you’re scared shitless of some sort of muslim uprising. Well if you’ve been telling us that’s it’s the religioun of peace, you’ve got nothing to worry about if you set a few bounadaries, have you then?
You label everyone else “islamophobic”, but it’s you that has the real fear of muslims now. It’s like you fear upsetting muslim communities in the name of fairness, you fear some sort of muslim uprising. Well if muslims are as peaceful as you keep telling everyone, you’ve got nothing to worry about then, have you? If you bring in toughter policing across the board. In reality, you yourselves probably know that muslims are hot tempered and have a tendency to mob up. You and they both know you can’t call in the riot squaad or the army every single time to deal with them.
Worse, muslims themselves are probably more islamophobic than anybody. Yes that’s right. Muslims themselves are islamphobic. That’s why there’s so few dissidents or reformers. Most of them are already dead. Muslims themselves know what the punishment for betraying islam is. Death. It’s the religion that can’t be criticised. Wonderful. They’re scared to shit of it.
Leftists really have to start asking themselves. Do you even really like islam? You seem to like muslims as people alright, but do any of you actually like any of their core values that define them as a civilisation or a culture? Apart from adherence to the family unit and modesty, probably not. Do leftists themselves actually like all the death for apostacy, death for adultery, death for homosexuality, death blasphemy stuff? You don’t do you?
How long do you actually think your silly leftist-muslim alliance is going to last anyway?
Your core values are at complete odds with one another!
So now you’re stuck between a rock and a very hard place. If Tommy goes to prison there will be riots (because there shouldn’t have even been an injunction placed on that documentaryin the first place; that biased judge Matthew James Nicklin should have been sacked weeks ago).
If Tommy dies in prison there will be chaos. It may just spark, not just country-wide riots, but a true civil war, where thousands and thousands of of people die. If Tommy doesn’t go to prison the left won’t be happy either. And neither will muslims. But do you know what? Leftists and muslims are never happy anyway in the West. In short, you’ve already martyred him.
You’ve become the laughing stock of the entire world.
I suggest you offer a formal apology at the very least.
Admit there’s a problem with both knife crime, grooming, news media bias.
In the old days they would have knighted this young fellow.
The intelligentsia.
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