Hi there,
I’ll get straight to it: I have started a petition against GoDaddy and other ISPs. Why?
Well, you’re hosting half a dozen trophy hunting websites and millions of people around the world don’t like that. Actually, it’s really the lions, tigers, leopards, hippos, giraffes, elephants and other endangered animals that are mainly the ones that don’t like it, but they can’t start petitions, write letters, or speak for themselves, can they? So I’m doing it for them!
So far some 16,745 supporters have signed this one petition and it is growing by the minute. I’m sure you don’t want to lose any potential customers. Does *anyone* living in the year 2016 with a conscience want to make it any easier for poachers? I certainly hope not!
It’s not the first time GoDaddy has been in the news with respect to hunting; former GoDaddy CEO Bob Parsons previously admitted to hunting elephants and showed zero remorse afterwards!
So it would be really nice to get some positive news from you about GoDaddy’s real intentions on their hosting of unethical content… that way, I can update my signatories and the world can be a much better, nicer place to live in.
Talk to you soon,
Dr. Leslie Dean Brown