Hopefully this article will clear this up once and for all…
The mainstream media are not telling the whole truth about Tommy. They leave out important facts. They’ll use “inverted commas” when they “doubt” something and want put their own spin on it. They’ll use italics in their headlines when they inform you that “Tommy has been sent to prison again”.
The story might even tell you that it was for contempt of court, but they don’t say why or how it hapened and whether or not it was fair and just. Or that he appealed. That’s important information that is frequently missing. So they don’t exactly tell outright lies per sé, they just don’t tell you the whole truth, which is sneaky. There is a clear bias against him, and if I was in his position I’d sue the press for defamation (I’ve never sued anyone).
While you’re here, can we all at least agree that there are many different types of muslims? They’re definitely not all the same. They come in all shades of grey, and colours, and textures, and orientation, and whatever else you want. But there are essentially two types. Ones that want to stone you to death and ones that don’t.
We (and when I say we I mean the alt right nationalists of all races and religions that you seem to despisefore som strange reason), we don’t like the idea of that, and neither should you (because they suffer from a mental illness, one of the symptoms of which is called ‘splitting’ (thinking only in terms of black and white and never grey).
You can put a gay person in a room with Tommy Robinson and they will both come out alive. In fact they might even come out being ‘friends’. It’s not commonly known that there were four weddings at Tommy’s wedding. The same cannot be said for some ultra–conservative muslims, who openly, publicly call for the death penlty.
Tommy supporters are old enough and smart enough to recognise a real danger when they see it and they want to put a stop to it before places like Luton become sharia-controlled enclaves. Don’t think it can happen? Think again.
So if you’re a lefty, I can tell you right now that you are shouting, yelling and screaming at the wrong side. The Daesh ideology has not been defeated. It’s the closest thing to fascism/nazism there has ever been.
What’s a nazi ideology you ask? Any one that can’t seem to grasp the concept of “live and let live”. One that says: “submit to our regime or die!”. Nazi-like minds aren’t always caucasians you fools! Meanwhile, you are defending some of these people! Even other muslims can’t stand them! Hello! It’s quite ironic that Tommy Robinson is an anti-nazi; the very person you’re saying is a Nazi is actually trying to save you and your children from this evil death cult! Just shut up already! Please!