What do I want to talk about? This is what I want to talk about:
Has the progressive left gone too far? Have we been giving muslims TOO MUCH leeway? I think we have. Sorry! This video is now /restricted/ on youtube. Well not this *exact* copy, because I had to go *massively* out of my way to upload this version myself onto my own channel (that has nothing whatsoever to do with free speech by the way).
When a “’British’ person” –in other words someone born in London, England– is effectively “’banned’ from Ireland” after having her ‘own’ house ‘seized’ off of ‘her’ by ‘her’ very ‘own’ double-crossing double-dealing two-faced two-timing deceiptful deceptive traitorous ‘government’ — when even the mere video to inform you of that same news is “not ‘really’ allowed” in “”today’s” “‘civilised’ ‘society'”” (in other words when “’content’ has been ‘identified’” by «’someone’ in “”YouTube’s” “community””» to be “inappropriate” and therefore “for ‘all’ ‘intents’ and ‘purposes'” they have “’effectively’ ‘banned’” the very same video because it ‘might’ ’cause’ “some audiences” to be “”‘offended'””) and when I have to resort to using quadruple-‘nested’ “quotation marks” and ‘brackets’ in a ‘single’ sentence –and when a sentence stretches out to a full paragraph like this one has– then indeed something has indeed gone too far. I know. I said “indeed” twice.
And it took a bloody long while to find software that could scrape a video that youtube has already restricted (an hour’s work for what should be a simple one second share). I can only say this because I am under/self-employed. I have nothing to lose. Right? Wake up England! Your rights to protest are quickly eroding… you can still share this on facebook… for the time being…I don’t care that she’s pro life or whatever. This is WRONG.
I won’t be surprised if people don’t comment here, this platform being a “professional work environment” and everyone being so “politically correct” these days and everything. I don’t subscribe to facebook anymore so my home and work lives essentially overlap. Or rather, they’re the same. I don’t pretend to be another person at home; please excuse me for that. People are so afraid of stepping out of line today, aren’t they? Even something as little as liking a post (or an associated comment such as this one) can get you fired. Last time I heard an army platoon had all their smartphones confiscated… for simply… getting their photo taken with Tommy Robinson… Crazy!P.S: To whoever the stupid fuckers are that are trying to shut people like Jayda Fransen and Tommy Robinson up completely, which has now become blindingly obvious, then I have an important message for you, without all of the usual leftist “political correctess” niceties that are normally involved. I can say this without fear of losing my job because thankfully I am self-employed. You’re probably an extremist salafist, wahabist muslim or something from the halal association or whatever. You’re on their mailing list. Whatever. I don’t care where you’re from or who exactly you represent or what its name is. But I just want to say that if you think you can take over a whole country, the whole world, just by “downvoting” a few people, reporting them to YouTube, reporting all their social media accounts, or whatever, with the mere click of a button, then think again. Because it’s going to be a lot harder than that for sharia law to dominate and become the minority everywhere outside the arab world. We Westerners simply won’t allow it. We won’t go down without an ongoing, extremely viscous fight. You muslims have crossed a very important line, and that is one of our most fundamental rights of all, the right to free speech, the lack of which is generally what drags down many backward, barbaric intolerant arab countries elsewhere in the world.
My own father was raised in WW2, in the East end of London. They had bombs dropped on them all the time by the Nazis, and you are the closest thing thing that has arisen since then (if not worse). What exactly do you want? Do you want to start WW3? Is that what you want? So just know that we’re not about to give up the right to free speech to ANYBODY quite so easily. Got it? While you’re here, I might as well speak up for Western Civilisation in general and say that domestic abuse; sexism; female gential mutilation; death threats; intimidation; homophobia; paedophillia; and persecution of atheist non-believer kuffars such as myself; they will NEVER be tolerated in mainstream advanced society!! Not in Britain! Not in America! Not in Canada! Not in Australia! Not in New Zealand! And not in many other countries as well. If you are reading this, then you yourself are using technology proudly supplied to you by us filthy haram infidels. Your keyboard, touchscreen device, computer and algorithms were all duly supplied by us. Meanwhile, what have you given us? Lemons? No you did not really invent those, did you? So instead of going and washing your hands 5 times and praying or whatever it is you think you need to do, what you actually need to do is to go and get some mental health support by a NON-MUSLIM psychologist/psychiatrist to help you overcome this terrible black/white disorder that you are probably suffering from.
Now to everyone else, I suggest you buy a dog. Or two. Buy as many as you want. And parade all around town with them. Take them to your next EDL meetup. Because hardline muslims absolutely hate dogs, they fear them. The bigger the better. Get yourselves two or three big black Dobermans or something…
#freespeech #humanrights #UN #unitednations #unitedkingdom #UK #policalcorrectness
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