What is the point of creating high definition televisions, sharper lenses and ever-more megapixels, if we’re only going to witness the destruction of nature in ever-greater detail and clarity?
I hope you like the special video I put together and that you’re in a good mood what with the music and everything. Please do watch it in full 1080p high definition with the volume up!!
I would really love to see this particular project 100% funded! www.justgiving.com/BirdLife-migratory-flyways
It’s now been sitting at 34% for literally weeks on end. So far there have only been 22 donations. A total of ££3,403.50 has been raised of £10,000.00 target.
Welcome to the BirdLife Migratory Birds & Flyways Programme Fundraising Page
For millennia the miracle of migration has inspired mankind.
But now the pressures on migratory birds have got to such a level that they’ve become one of the most threatened groups of species and the natural phenomenon of migration is under serious threat.
By making a donation today, you are joining a unique community who are helping to monitor the movements of migratory birds, unravel the mysteries of their amazing journeys and protect them all along the way.
Please give generously.