Why? WHY is this video banned?
What exactly do people find so offensive in THIS particular video?! I will gladly risk my poxy YouTube channel with its 145 subscribers in support of Jayda. I don’t happen to agree with Jayda on a few issues, the main one being abortion. I’m an atheist/buddhist. What’s more important however is that I agree with her on one very important issue and that is the right to FREE SPEECH. I’m totally with her on that one. It’s rare to see the left and right united in one cause. And if that’s what it takes to stop global islamism, then so be it. I am now essentially her friend.
Here is her original video, which you can clearly see is restricted: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I59pjGYL4BQ
This video, this video right here does not deserve to be banned or restricted in ANY way shape or form. How does this offend muslims? HOW? If you are personally ‘offended’ by this video, then I am also offended by your knee-jerk overreaction hypersensitivity to all things non-sharia. It offends me. You offend me. That’s why I have decided to re-upload this video, so that the whole world can more easily share Jayda and Tommy’s very important message. And so that they can see the lengths that some people will go to.
I’ve noticed that restricted videos don’t show up with the little preview window in facebook, twitter and LinkedIn, and this is because most of the time, programmers know that less people click on them that way. The trouble with that is, when it is an important video like this one being unfairly banned, people will go massively out of their way to make sure that even more people see it than they otherwise would have. It’s a classic revenge effect, aka the streisand effect. Because I’ve now added many keywords and hashtags on top of the original video and shared it all over the darn place. Share share share far and wide, many many times. Add #hashtags