Sometimes I think that by the time you figure out how the world works, you’re too old to change it.
Have you ever noticed that there’s a huge delay in our society? There’s a delay between the time government officials catch up with science and the time that politicians take to enable new laws. By the time they come into effect it’s almost too late!
Science and technology has lapped the field a few times and our ‘guardians’ are languishing behind acting on industrial models invented during nineteen-fucking-twenty.
Even when they do do something right, our governments act with deliberate, bureaucratic and juggernaut-like sluggishness. It’s like they’re having a conversation like this:
“Status, meet quo. Quo, status. Status–status. Quo–quo. Status quo.”
They’ll give you a survey about being surveyed. “Bob, fill out this paperwork. It’s regarding how much paperwork we have to fill out”.
I say this because I remember way back in 1992 being told that “fossil fuels are being “phased out”. Phased out my arse! Why are they still building new coal mines? Why?! That’s a long time ago, that is, 1992. A quarter of a century and it feels like nothing has changed..
I think that in a civilisation as fast-paced as this one is becoming, we’re going to need to get our governments to change their behavior a lot faster than they do now. Otherwise, we’re screwed. Well those are my thoughts for today.
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