Rich karma.
Why do I seem to ‘hate’ the rich?
Ecologists have always said that one of the greatest threats to our natural environment is habitat destruction.
One of the main gripes I have against ultra-high net worth individuals is that they cause the most environmental degradation of all groups on this planet and they don’t tend to offset this with direct contributions back towards the natural environment.
I think the following advertisement nicely sums up the ‘attitude’ that some rich people seem to have:
So the reasons that I question ‘rich’ people are:
- Because rich people are usually responsible for more environmental destruction than poor people, they have brought about more degradative environmental changes.
- Because rich people are primarily motivated by money, they are more likely can be bought out (corrupted) with even more money.
- When the rich do give, they tend to give back to humanitarian causes. And if they do give, is it really enough of an offset? Not always, but often. One exception I have found is Mohammad Bin Zayeed; the man started his own species conservation fund. Another is the Betty and Gordon Moore Foundation.
Why is this a problem? Well, because the only physical thing (that I know of) that stops our Earth from becoming uninhabitable is all the life forms found on Earth that stabilise everything for us. The biosphere.
Any biologist will tell you that, realistically, what is going to happen is that as nature continues to “bite back” with ever-greater intensity, productivity (and therefore profit) is just going to go down eventually… it has to. It must! Less biodiversity is ultimately going to lead to less profit. Do all investors and directors of the board actually realise that? Do they realise that infinite growth on a planet with finite resources is a physical impossibility?
So not only will it be harder to make profit feeling the increasing effects of climate change (like with the recent New York blizzard for example), but more damage will be likely to occur due to storms and other weather extremes. I’ll say it again. Less biodiversity is ultimately going to lead to less profit. Why do I say that? Why do I think it will lead to less profit? Read on..
So we know that there are other planets out there. We’re not living on the only planet. Planetary geologists like to compare the planet Earth with Mars and Venus. All of these three planets are very similar in size and yet they have distinctly different environments. These other planets show us what is possible. As of today, both of these other two planets are essentially uninhabitable. Yes we could put a person on Mars and they might survive for a while inside an artificially heated, pressurised and oxygenated atmosphere, but would they be self sufficient? The answer is no definitely not at first.
As is, nothing grows there on Mars. Nothing. Not even the most basic life form. So that means no food. Worse, there is no water. And worse still is that there is no oxygen.
What about Venus then? Well again, even if we could get there, even if we could live there, most businesses would be more viable back here on planet Earth than on the planet Venus. Wouldn’t they? Maybe the exception would be companies that need to utlise lots of carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid.
Let’s take sulfuric acid. Let’s go with that example. Sure its useful to us here on Earth for all sorts of industrial purposes. So say we started to mine sulfuric acid on the planet venus. Even then we’d first need to get robots over there, wouldn’t we? And then we’d need to get the sulfuric acid back here on Earth.
But what are the transportations costs? How much fuel is burned? And doesn’t burning all that rocket fuel fuck up the Earth’s atmosphere even further? Well yes it does. What about if the Venus mining corporation had to pay carbon credits on all the tonnes of rocket fuel? And once there, how would the rocket get back to Earth? It would have to take enough fuel and liquid oxygen for the entire return journey. Because there is no oxygen on Venus. So now you tell me. Would it be a profitable enterprise?
Think about this (and keep in mind that I am one of the few scientists who have also set up my own business, so I do know a thing or two about profitability). Well in my professional scientific and business opinion, if you wanted to set up a business on the planet Mars, it would be more economically viable to locate your business at the South pole instead.
Why do I even bring this up here? What’s this got to do with rich people? What’s this got to do with money? Well, I don’t know of any businesses that are viable on either the planet Mars or Venus. Do you? Not even the most basic lemonade stand would work on the planet Mars or Venus. Would it? And rich people tend to forget this fact.
The newest space mission is estimated to cost $1.5 trillion dollars. That is a lot of investment money for anyone. So where is the ‘ROI’ going to come from that lot? Here’s what I wrote in another post of mine:
To me, it’s the most expensive & inefficient way to create the most boring food menu imagineable. Really. I mean, just think about how much those first few thousand lettuce leaves are going to cost! A billion dollars per lettuce leaf. That’s really great NASA. Thanks.
You see, if we had to pay for our oxygen supply, our water supply and our food supply down here on Earth like we would have to on Mars, then I’m sure that most businesses on Earth would become bankrupt within a matter of weeks. So economists (and rich people) are forgetting to take nature’s services into account. And when they do, I think they’ll realise that a forest is a very valuable place indeed.
Lamborghini Murcielago crushed by Taiwan authorities.
Nice to see these people don”t take any crap from rich people:
Today’s update?
Today, I refer you to two other links.
Please go and read this. And then this.
The cracked article is tongue-in-cheek and obviously not ‘serious’. I had a good laugh. Great writing skills.
But what about Goop? Seriously?! When you’re reccommending people to go out and spend £12k / US$15k / AUD$20k on a gold-plated dildo, I think rich people are just asking for a revolution. They’re just asking for it!
If this is what being ‘rich’ is about, then you can stick that silver butt plug, with horse tail, right where the sun don’t shine and the moon don’t fit — right up your tight little arsehole! Right where it belongs. Instead of on that cheap acrylic perch you have it resting on. ‘Cause I want nuthin’ to do with it.
And not because it’s ‘kinky’. I don’t have a problem with ‘kinky’. It’s “rich kinky” I can’t stand. And it’s not just one gold-plated twenty thousand dollar dildo I’m whinging about. It’s two. Here’s the other one:
Gwyneth, Coco de Mer, Lelo, I think you’re completely out of touch with reality.
The world doesn’t need more of this crap. The rest of us live on a different world. Another world with overpopulation, deforestation, extinction, pollution, global warming, etcetera. That world. Remember that one?
I think your designers ought to be shot.
And if you’re out spendin’ 20k on a gold-plated dildo, you probably deserve to get mugged on a French highway. Because poorer people are getting fed up with being fucked over by banks and insurance companies and everyone else who doesn’t play fair. They struggle to pay their mortgage or their rent. And then they see this. And that is their way to restore some sort of “monetary equilibrium”.
If you’ve got this much money to play with, give some it to charity. Seriously.
Our ancestors have not been working for hundreds, thousands of years so you can splurge on (and profit by) this unsustainable bullshit.
Perhaps I should change this site to “”? Maybe I’ll buy that domain… just in case.